Friday, May 28, 2010

Sex and Style

I am waiting for the Sex and the City 2. Even though I think that characters of the show are sightly stunted emotionally, I love their fashion sense. While I was snooping around to find their release date in India, I came across one more style statement which I love. Only Carrie Bradshaw could pair a J'adore Dior T-shirt with a ball gown skirt and make it work!

So the movie is set in Abu Dhabi. I think the cast looks ridiculous in their over the top comic style dressing. But I like looking at them anyways. Yes. I am guilty of double standards.

Check out Samanthas earrings! They are loud, over the top and totally cool. Never in a zillion years would I have the courage to try such a pair on. But again I am not a part of the casts where budget for clothes itself is 10 million dollars.

 So Miranda is not my favoraiet characters amongst the four. For uptight lawyer, her low neckline sequined dress has left me gaping in shock! The good shock by the way.

Aaah! Only if we mortals could get to hang out in a desert with our Gucci, Prada and Manolos. I am all over outrageous, but this princess style colour overdose is not my favorite.


kunal said...

u dint write anything on charlotte!!!

Tiramisu said...

I am impressed with your observation.