Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Skinny and scary!

I recently came across this photo of Keira Knightly and was horrified! Her skeletal figure made me cringe. How dare she has the balls to say that she is NOT anorexic! Yea right! From looking at this picture its quite obvious that she could the starving kids in Somalia a run for their money. What a shame when celebrities who get paid millions of dollars project such distorted and sick body image.

Just in case you want to know more, here are some interesting facts about anorexia:

* Anorexia nervosa appears more in the Caucasian and Hispanic female as opposed to the Black or Asian female.
* Anorexia nervosa is more prevalent in the age group of the 15-year-old to 23-year-old female although a younger age group is appearing at an alarming rate.
* Excessive dieting and exercising can be seen in the anorexic leading to an extreme thinness in the body.
* On the average it is estimated that 1% of females in their teens and early 20s develops this eating disorder.
* Studies have shown that 10% to 15% will die of complications arising from anorexia nervosa.
* Peer pressure and an ever-increasing emphasis of today’s model society seem to play a very real part in the development of anorexia nervosa.
* Anorexics have a slower and sometimes abnormal heart rate, low body temperature, electrolyte imbalances, and lower blood pressure.
* A sufferer will sometimes have a soft downy hair growth on their arms and other body parts, which develops from lack of essential vitamins and minerals lacking in the diet.
* An anorexic patient will weigh 15% or more under the norm for their height and weight.
* Women with anorexia nervosa will have lack of or an abnormal menstrual flow.
* Because typically seen in the female the male anorexic is often misdiagnosed.
* People with anorexia will severely limit their dietary intake even though wanting to eat and being very hungry out of fear of becoming fat.
* People suffering from anorexia, even when dramatically thin, will see a distorted image when looking in the mirror and will see a very heavy person.
* A person afflicted with anorexia nervosa has erosion of the tooth’s enamel and an increased incidence of cavities.
* People with anorexia can sometimes develop kidney infections and kidney failure.
* Studies have shown that genetics may or may not be attributed to the development of anorexia nervosa. Researchers theorize that a genetic component will make a woman or man more prone to using this method of controlling a stressful environment or answer the need for perfectionism.
* After a very small meal an anorexic will feel bloated due to extreme shrinkage of their stomach.
* Studies have shown that 50% of all anorexics will suffer from bone thinning or otherwise known as osteoporosis.
* A person with anorexia nervosa will often shield themselves from the outside and will avoid social gatherings due to fear of being in an “eating” situation.
* An individual suffering from anorexia nervosa will often have intolerance to cold temperatures due to low body weight.
* In the younger person with anorexia nervosa growth may be slowed and cause short stature.
* In severe cases of anorexia nervosa hospitalization may be required.
* In some cases of anorexia nervosa medication may be needed to treat underlying depression or an obsessive-compulsive disorder which thereby complicates this psychiatric illness.
* Proper medical treatment involving physicians, psychiatric professionals, family and friends play an important role in the success of the person who is diagnosed with anorexia nervosa.
* It is estimated that only 4 out of every 10 person afflicted with anorexia nervosa will make a full recovery.


Hedge said...

the pic isnt really hers. Its a morphed/photoshopped image created at . Its a site much like where people come and photoshop pics with often freaky results.

This pic reminds me of the movie 'The Machinist' where cristian bale turned into a skeletal figure much like this pic, in order to get into the character of an insomniac freak!! google it and check the pics...

Tiramisu said...

Darn! Seriously! Ya..i should had known.She looks like a walking nightmare and it also looks humanly impossible. Bah..but it was so much fun hating her for reason (OK...maybe because she is rich);-)

Anonymous said...

This picture is photo-shopped.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys actually stupid? Its photoshopped